Postmodern lines...

Na brzaka izvodi iz Cambridge Companion to Postmodernism.
Daunlodovanje knjige se, naravno, plaća, pod uslovom da ne znate prečice...:)


The term has undoubtedly gained a certain cultural currency, but its
meaning (or meanings) and value seem in many ways more obscure than

One can name as “postmodernist” the dissatisfaction with this atemporal Temper.

Where modernist literature worked on time, literary postmodernism would work in time. If modernism means the assumption that literature approaches to the condition of poetry, postmodernism means the tendency to assume that literature
is intrinsically narrative.

Zgymunt Bauman, writing of postmodernity, has termed “the reenchantment of the world.”

Postmodern culture is also imprinted with the traces of other, more am-
biguous and elusive, modes of spirituality, or of what might best be described
as a post-religious, post-skeptical, and, crucially, post-dualistic conscious-
ness. If these are signs of what Richard H. Roberts has called a “quasi-
religious” state, they appear to differ significantly both from the dominant
secularism and from the often impassioned and even violent re-presentations
of the tenets of dogmatic religion(s)...

When modernist fiction grew big (Proust, Mann, Musil, Joyce), it was in an effort to consume the world. Postmodernist fiction became big in an effort to outdo the world.

Both modernist and postmodernist art, writes Lyotard, attempt to bear witness to the sense of exposure to what romantic theorists called the “sublime,” that which is unmanageably large or unmasterably complex.

Both modernist and postmodernist art willingly
attempt to conceive the inconceivable, express the sense of the inexpressible,
and take the measure of the immeasurable.
But when modernist art does
this, says Lyotard, it does so in a way that nevertheless holds the experience
together or reduces it to some recognizable form.
The postmodernist work,
by contrast, is said to be that which “puts forward the unpresentable in
presentation itself; that which denies itself the solace of good forms.

...A sve je ovo bio plagijatorski pokušaj stvaranje kolaž-eseja...i uspelo je!

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